Document Retrieval Services

We locate and deliver the documents you are looking
for in Brazil and in the United States.

If you need a document that has been filed at the city, county, state or federal level in Brazil or in the US we can get a copy into your hands.

We know the Brazilian bureaucracy and how to better navigate through it saving you time and money. Our network in the US works against the clock to get what you need.

D Capuano | International Consulting

If you are in the United States and need solution, information, knowledge, and structure in Brazil, our team is ready to assist you.

If you are in Brazil, Daniela Capuano is in the United States and can directly provide the best service for you.

Count on Daniela Capuano and her team.


Find out more about us
on our Linkedin's profile


In Brazil
São J. Rio Preto, SP

In the USA
Newport Beach, CA


In Brazil
Text message / WhatsApp
+55 (17) 99716-2187

In the USA
+1 (949) 484-8494


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